Teacher Info
2025 K-12 Theme: Self Portrait!
2025 Youth Art Month Updates!! Thank you everyone for participating in the 2025 show!
YAM 2025 Brochure Black and White
A few updates:
- Locations – Schools have been matched with a downtown location. Please make contact to arrange a set-up time for your student artwork. Artwork should be hung the week before the show opening. Opening night is Friday, March 7th. Please start contacting businesses soon so you can discuss exhibition space and specifics about hanging in that space, as well as schedule a time to set up. As you check the spreadsheet for your location and contact, please check to see if you are sharing a space with another teacher. Here is the link for assigned locations. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d8as5DqerEQGMgQvH7-F_tPDNWoz5C7QMF8JtY6Tn58/edit?usp=sharing
- Drop off for the “Self-Portrait” themed artwork for the K-12 show at the Academy of Natural Therapy is Friday, February 28th. Yes, you can submit 3D work to this show! Please drop everything off between 3:30 and 5 pm. Be sure the artwork is matted and tagged. Labels for your matted artwork can be found below! Labels can be edited before printing. Labels fit the Avery template standard size 5160 if you would like to print them on sticky back labels.
- Artwork for the K-12 theme show needs to be 12×18″ in size (or smaller) but not larger! This would include the 1″ black mat around the artwork. Please only submit 10 artworks per teacher for this theme show. This is a very large show with many, many teachers so please stick to the 10 artwork limit to be sure there is room for all of the student artwork to be displayed.
- Black paper/Ribbons: The black construction paper along with the requested number of ribbons will be distributed soon! District 6 teachers will receive materials (black paper, ribbons, maps & posters) through inter-office mail. If you are a charter school teacher, these items will be dropped in your front office. Look for updates on materials in the next week or two.
- The website will be updated soon with a virtual map of the event, please share this with students and families. With the support of the Greeley Creative District (GCD) the QR code on the poster will direct families to the GCD website and there will be a link to the map on www.greeleyyouthart.com
- Opening night is Friday, March 7th from 5-8 pm. Please be at your location welcoming students and families as much as you can! Artwork will remain on display for the entire month. You are to arrange with your business about takedown. We will have more communication later about picking up the “Self-Portrait” themed artwork at the Academy of Natural Therapy once the show is over.
Thank you for your continued participation in this wonderful event!
Lauren & Joni
Please contact any of these committee members if you have any further questions:
Lauren Thurman joelandlauren@live.com
Joni Wilson jwilson5@greeleyschools.org